
This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation of prebiotic (Bio-Mos®,mannoligosacchride), probiotic (Bio-Plus® 2B, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis) and theirmixture on growth, biochemical parameters and immune-hematological responses of rabbits. Sixty fourNew Zealand White male rabbits were divided into 2 equal groups. The 1st group was uninfected andsubdivided into 4 subgroups. The 1st subgroup fed basal diet (Control), the 2nd, 3rd and 4th subgroups fed onbasal diet supplemented with 1 g Bio-Mos, 0.4 g Bio-Plus and 1g Bio-MOS + 0.4 g Bio-Plus / kg,respectively for eight weeks. The 2nd group was similar to the 1st group but experimentally infected withPasteurella multocida. The results in 1st group showed significant increase (P<0.01) in body weight gain,phagocytic activity (PA), phagocytic index (PI) and total leukocytic counts (TLC) when compared withcontrol group 1.1. In addition, there was significant decrease in serum total cholesterol, triglycerides andglucose when compared with control group 1.1. In 2nd group , the results showed significant increase(P<0.05) in body weight gain, (P˂0.001) in phagocytic activity and phagocytic index, RBCS count,PCV, Hb concentration, and number of lymphocytes while TLC and number of heterophils showedsignificant decrease(P<0.001) when compared with control group 2.1 .Also there was significant decrease(P<0.05) in food conversion ratio (FCR), (P<0.01) in total cholesterol and creatinine and (P<0.001) innumber of heterophils, triglycerides, glucose, alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and urea in all infected groups fed experimental diets compared with control group2.1.Supplementing the diet with Bio-Mos, Bio-Plus or their mixture decreased the mortality andimproved the adverse clinical signs and post mortem lesions in all experimentally infected groupscompared with infected untreated control group. Our results indicate that rabbits received mixture of preand probiotic groups 1.4 and 2.4 recorded the highest value of daily weight gain, PA, PI, TLC andlymphocytes number and recorded the lowest FCR followed by rabbits received probiotic. Dietarysupplementation of prebiotic and probiotic and their mixture improves cell-mediated immune response,liver and kidney functions , decreased the mortality and improved the adverse clinical signs and postmortem lesions in in rabbits experimentally infected with P. multocida.

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