
There is considerable controversy about the hemodynamic effect of potassium in hypertension. To determine if K depletion could alter the control of blood pressure, studies were performed in rats with 2-kidney, 1-clip renovascular hypertension (RVH) after 3 to 6 wks of severe and moderate K depletion. After application of a 0.23 mm clip to the left renal artery, rats were placed on a K-replete (KR) (240 mEq/kg), a moderately K-depleted (KDM) (59 mEq/kg), or a severely K-depleted (KDS) (5 mEq/kg) diet. After 3 wks, mean arterial pressure (MAP) reached 154 +/- 3 in KR but only 121 +/- 2 in KDM (P less than 0.01) and 106 +/- 4 mm Hg in KDS (P less than 0.001). After 6 wks, MAP was 160 +/- 8 in KR, but only 132 +/- 5 in KDM (P less than 0.01) and 129 +/- mm Hg in KDS (P less than 0.01). Plasma K at 3 wks was 4.1 +/- .1 in KR, but only 3.5 +/- .1 in KDM (P less than 0.05) and 2.3 +/- .1 mEq/liter in KDS (P less than 0.001). This was associated with an 8% decrease in muscle K in KDM and a 16% decrease in muscle K in KDS. Although KDS animals did not grow during the 6 wks of study, KDM rats gained 60% as much weight at 3 wks, and, by 6 wks, weight gain was comparable in KDM (101 +/- 9) and KR (110 +/- 9 g) animals (P = NS).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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