
This study evaluated the post-irradiation mechanical property development of six resin composite-based restorative materials from the same manufacturer starting at 1 h post irradiation, followed by 24 h, 1 week, and 1 month after fabrication. Samples were stored in 0.2M phosphate buffered saline until testing. Flexural strength, flexural modulus, flexural toughness, modulus of resiliency, fracture toughness, and surface microhardness were performed at each time interval. Mean data was analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Dunn's post hoc testing at a 95% level of confidence (α=0.05). Results were material specific but overall, all resin composite material mechanical properties were found to be immature at 1 h after polymerization as compared to that observed at 24 h. It may be prudent that clinicians advise patients, especially those receiving complex posterior composite restorations, to guard against overly stressing these restorations during the first 24 h.

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