
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of polymer used with different nitrogen and potassium sources on the growth and nutrition of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiforum, var. "Virginal") and on chemical characteristics of substrate. Two substrates were evaluated: 1) composite with 50 % organic soil, 45 % sand, and 5 % composted tobacco; 2) plow layer soil (0-20 cm depth; red oxisol typical dystrophic). The experimental design was a factorial (4x2x2) and included four polymer rates (0, 1, 2, and 4 g kg-1of substrate), two nitrogen ((NH4)2SO4 and (H2N)2CO), and two potassium (KCl and K2SO4) sources. Dry biomass, flower number, and concentration of K, Ca, and Mg were evaluated. Inverse relationships between polymer rates and plant biomass, macronutrient uptake were noticed, regardless substrate or nutrient source.

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