
Aim: Urticaria is a common condition in children for which Paediatricians are consulted. In Ayurveda, it can be correlated with Sheetapitta which is a Tridoshaja vyadhi. The present study is aimed to show the effect of Polyherbal formulation in Sheetapitta (Urticaria) in children. Background: Urticaria is defined as a transient eruption of cir- cumscribed oedematous and usually itchy swellings of the dermis. As per Ayurveda, Urticaria can be correlated with Sheetapitta in terms of clinic features, causative factors and pathogenesis. Case Description: A 14-year-old female patient with her mother from Haridwar district came in OPD of Department of Kaumarbhritya, Rishikul Campus, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Haridwar with the presenting complaints of red rashes all over the body along with itching, burning sensation and swelling since 2 years also having associated complaints like nasal con- gestion, sneezing and swelling B/L eyes from 2 months. On examining upper respiratory tract left-sided nasal hy- pertrophy, chapped lips, white-coated tongue, rt. sided slightly enlarged tonsils were found. On examining the In- tegumentary system, maculopapular lesions were present mainly over the upper limb, lower limb, chest and back. Swelling underneath B/L eyes was also present. The effect of the treatment was assessed on the basis of relief in itching and clearance of lesions. Conclusion: After the intervention of the polyherbal formulation for 45 days, there was a marked improvement in symptoms like Kandu, Vidaha and Shotha etc. So, it was concluded that internal use of Polyherbal formulation along with external use of Anu taila and the local application of Urtiplex lotion is highly effective in the management of Sheetapitta (Urticaria). Keywords: Urticaria, Sheetapitta, Kandu, Allergic disease

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