
The addition of paratyphoid colon bacillus filtrate (previously termed enteric toxin) to poliomyelitis virus accelerated the production of the disease.1 What would happen if monkeys (Macacus rhesus) were injected with this filtrate as well as with a vaccine made from the organisms that produced it? Adult monkeys have shown some agglutinins for the typho-paratypho-colon group, therefore, young monkeys were chosen for this experiment, since their blood serums contained little or no agglutinins for this group of organisms.2Paratyphoid and colon bacilli were grown in 0.5% glucose broth and after 10 days the media were centrifuged, the organisms combined, autoclaved, and were called the vaccine; the supernatant fluid was passed through a mandler N and W filter and called the P.C.B. filtrate (enteric toxin). Massive doses of the filtrate and vaccine were injected subcutaneously into 3 of 6 baby monkeys within from 2 to 3 months after they had been weaned. The animals, weighing from 890 to 1104 gm., were obtaine...

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