
In this research, the SAFT-VR Morse has been extended to polar system by considering the dipolar interactions between non-spherical molecules. The second order derivative thermodynamic properties of refrigerants such as speed of sound, specific heat capacity and Joule-Thomson coefficient have been predicted and compared to PPC-SAFT EoS. The model parameters have been obtained using vapor pressure and saturated liquid density data of pure refrigerants. Using obtained model parameters the aforementioned properties have been predicted in the vapor, liquid, saturation and supercritical phases. The effect of polar contribution on model prediction performance has been studied. The results show that, the polar contribution can be neglected without losing model accuracy. The obtained average error of the polar PC-SAFT and polar SAFT-VR Morse is very close to their original versions. As well, the PPC-SAFT EoS gives accurate results compared to SAFT-VR Morse and its polar version, especially in the case of Joule-Thomson coefficient prediction.

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