
Meat products are subject to degradation processes. Among them, the most important after microbial destruction are oxidative processes that affect lipids, pigments, proteins and vitamins. Lipid oxidation is a major non-microbial cause of deterioration in meat and meat products. The purpose of the study is a theoretical and experimental study of the content of bioflavonoids (phenolic substances) in berry extracts and their use in systems of biological origin to inhibit oxidative processes during storage. Methodology of the study is based on theoretical research of sources for the concentration of biologically active substances, including secondary metabolites of plants (bioflavonoid complex), in berries and on experimental studies of the dynamics of oxidative processes in food products with a high content of lipids according to indicators such as acid value, peroxide value, thiobarbiturate value using titrometric and colorimetric methods of analysis. Results. The work theoretically analyzes information on the high content of phenolic substances in black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) and black currant (Ribes nigrum L.), which determines their high antioxidant properties and proves the prospect of using them as natural antioxidant additives in meat and meat technology meat products. The study experimentally proved the high antioxidant activity of black chokeberry and black currant extracts in smoked sausage technology. With the addition of black rowan and black currant extracts, inhibition of peroxidation is observed already after the first 5 days of storage. It was found that the addition of black chokeberry extract in the amount of 0.2-0.5% to the mass of minced meat significantly slows down the hydrolytic oxidation of lipids in the finished product, effectively suppresses the peroxidation of fat and stabilize the formation of secondary products of oxidation during the storage of smoked sausages with a high fat content. A microbiological safety study of experimental sausages during storage was conducted. Practical implications. Extracts of black chokeberry and black currant can be successfully used in the production technology of smoked meat and meat-containing sausages of a multicomponent composition for inhibition of lipid oxidation during the storage and preventing of spoilage of products. Value/originality. The effectiveness of this method is improving of smoked sausage quality with natural antioxidants such as black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) and black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) extracts due to high content of phenolic compounds, which replace potentially harmful synthetic antioxidants.

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