
The present study was conducted at Research farm of R.A.K., college of Agriculture, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh during 2020-21. The experiment was laid out using Randomized Block Design with different levels of Phosphorus with or without PSB application (T1- 45 kg P2O5/ha, T2- 60 kg P2O5/ha, T3- 75 kg P2O5/ha,T4 -90 kg P2O5/ha, T5 - 45 kg P2O5/ha + PSB @ 5g/kg seed, T6 - 60 kg P2O5/ha + PSB @ 5g/kg seed, T7 - 75 kg P2O5/ha + PSB @ 5g/kg seed, T8 - 90 kg P2O5/ha + PSB @ 5g/kg seed).Treatment T7 found to be best for yield and yield attributes of berseem. Maximum no. of capsules/m2 (466), no. of seeds/capsule (28.81), Test weight (2.01 g), Seed yield (0.46 g/plant, 0.478 kg/plot, 239 kg/ha), Green fodder yield (63.75 kg/plot, 31870 kg/ha) and HI (10.21).While minimum recorded with treatment T1 (45kg P2O5/ha without PSB application).

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