
ABSTRACTThis work was designed to elucidate selected physicochemical, functional, and structural properties of native and modified yam (Dioscorea rotundata) starch. The isolated starch was chemically modified using 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% phosphoric acid solution at 50°C for 1 h, and yield, swelling power, gelation, water holding capacity, paste clarity, blue value, and amylose and amylopectin content of the native and modified yam starch were determined. Structural changes in the native and starch modified with 25% phosphoric acid were evaluated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The result showed that the yield, swelling power, water holding capacity, paste clarity, blue value and amylose and amylopectin content of native yam starch was 33.38% (217 g), 3.84 g/g, 1.0 v/g, 10%, 0.52 and 25.96, respectively, whereas gelation study of the native and modified starch indicated that native starch was viscous and modified starch firm. However, yield, swelling power, water holding capacity, paste clarity, blue value, and amylose content of modified yam starch reduced in a dose dependent manner with phosphoric acid. The reduction in the values of the various functional properties could be associated with the effect of phosphoric acid on the starch granular structure. The result of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and optical microscopy revealed that the yam starch was modified by phosphoric acid with changes in functional groups spectra such as –OH stretch (3177 cm−1), H2O absorbed (1644 cm−1) (amorphous region), C-H stretch (2923 cm−1), CH2O (1253 cm−1), and C-O-C (1078 cm−1) when compared to native starch. The morphology of native and modified yam starch granules ranged from oval to eliptical. However, modified starch granules were rough in surface. In conclusion, the characterized physicochemical and functional properties and structure exhibited by native and modified yam starch indicated that, yam could be a cheap and valuable source of starch for industrial application.

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