
To show the effect of the phosphate group on the remineralization process of early enamel caries mediated by amelogenin peptide. Freshly extracted, completed, and crack-free bovine teeth were used to create artificial early enamel caries, which were randomly divided into four groups: Group A: fluorination remineralized solution treatment group; Group B: pure remineralized solution treatment group. Group C: 100 g/ml recombinant Amelogenin peptide remineralized solution treatment group (with single phosphate group on N-terminus); Group D: 100 g/ml non-phosphorylated recombinant Amelogenin peptide remineralized solution treatment group (without single phosphate group on N-terminus). For 12 days, fresh remineralized solutions were replaced daily. Transverse microradiography (TMR) was used after remineralization to determine mineral loss and demineralization depth before and after each sample's remineralization. Each sample's depth of remineralization and mineral acquisition were then determined. The recombinant amelogenin peptide group significantly outperformed the non-phosphorylated amelogenin peptide group in terms of mineral acquisition and mineralization depth (P<0.05). The recombinant Amelogenin's solitary phosphate group at the N-terminus helps recombinant Amelogenin to encourage the remineralization process of early enamel caries.

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