
The design of drilling fluids is very important for the drilling operation success. The rheological properties play a key role in the performance of the drilling fluid. Therefore, studying the mud rheological properties of the water-based drilling fluid based on bentonite is essential. The main objectives of this study are to address the effect of pH changes on the rheological and filtration properties of the water-based drilling fluid based on bentonite and to provide a recommended pH range for this drilling fluid for a safe and high-performance drilling operation. Different samples of the water-based drilling fluid based on bentonite with different pH values were prepared, and the rheological properties such as plastic viscosity, yield point, and gel strength were measured. After that, the filtration test was performed under 300 psi differential pressure and 200 °F. The pH for the water-based drilling fluid based on bentonite significantly affects the mud rheology. The shear stress and shear rate relation were varying with the change in the pH. Increasing the pH from 8 to 12 resulted in decreasing the plastic viscosity by 53% and the yield point by 82%, respectively. The ratio of yield point / plastic viscosity was 1.4 for pH of 8 while it decreased to 0.5 for a pH of 11 and 12. There was a significant decrease in the gel strength readings by increasing the pH. The filtrate volume and filter cake thickness increased by increasing pH. The filtration volume increased from 9.5 cm3 to 12.6 cm3 by increasing the pH from 9 to 12. The filter cake thickness was 2 mm at 9 pH, while it was increased to 3.6 mm for 12 pH. It is recommended from the results to keep the pH of water-based drilling fluid based on bentonite in the range of 9 to 10 as it provides the optimum mud rheological and filtration properties. The findings of this study illustrated that keeping the pH in the range of 9 to 10 will reduce the plastic viscosity that will help in increasing the rate of penetration and reducing the required pump pressure to circulate the mud to the surface which will help to sustain the drilling operation. In addition, reducing the filtrate volume will produce a thin filter cake which will help in avoiding the pipe sticking and protect the environment. In general, optimizing the pH of the water-based drilling fluid based on bentonite in the range of 9 to 10 will improve the drilling operation and minimize the total cost.


  • The drilling fluids are critical in the oil and gas drilling operations

  • Several factors affect the ratio of the drilling fluid cost to the total drilling cost, such as well location, drilled formation type, and other technical problems that might be encountered during the drilling operations [2,3]

  • The drilling fluids can be classified according to their base such as water-based, oil-based, gas-based, or synthetic-based, and all types are used in variable situations and with different additives [4]

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The drilling fluids are critical in the oil and gas drilling operations. To reach the target formations in the well, the drilling fluid program should be designed carefully to safely drill the well with economical wise. Several factors affect the ratio of the drilling fluid cost to the total drilling cost, such as well location, drilled formation type, and other technical problems that might be encountered during the drilling operations [2,3]. The drilling fluids can be classified according to their base such as water-based, oil-based, gas-based, or synthetic-based, and all types are used in variable situations and with different additives [4]. Among these types, the water-based mud is the most commonly used drilling fluid [5]. The drilling fluids transfer the hydraulic power from the surface to downhole motors

Bentonite in Drilling Fluids
Effect of Bentonite on Mud Rheology
Effect of Bentonite-Based Mud on Drilling Performance
Experimental Program
Mud Density
Rheological Properties
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