
Subterranean clover seedling numbers and growth in swards containing 1 of 5 perennial pasture species [phalaris (Phalaris aquatica) cv. Sirolan, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) cv. Currie, lucerne (Medicago sativa) cv. Aquarius, wallaby grass (Danthonia richardsonii) cv. Taranna, and lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) cv. Consol] were compared with those in typical annual pastures and pure clover swards in the wheatbelt of eastern Australia. Presence of a perennial species or the volunteer annual grass (Eragrostis cilianensis) increased the rate of drying of the soil surface (0–5 cm) after late February and May rain, compared with subterranean clover swards. Perennials differed in the rate they dried the soil surface, with the more summer-active lucerne and consul lovegrass drying the profile more rapidly than phalaris. The amount of water in the surface 5 cm, 6 days after the rainfall event on 27–28 February, was strongly negatively correlated (r = –0·75, P < 0·01) with the amount of green perennial biomass, but not related to standing dead material or surface residues. Where perennials were present, a smaller proportion (2–4%) of the clover seed pool produced seedlings in response to late summer rain, compared with pure clover swards (18%). A higher proportion of the seed pool produced seedlings (19–36%) following rain in late autumn but there was no difference between species. The more summer-active perennials (cocksfoot, danthonia, and lucerne) markedly depressed the survival of emerged clover seedlings following both germinations. Of the seedlings that emerged in early March, the proportion remaining by 29 March was 57% in phalaris, 21% in lucerne, 13% in danthonia, and 1% in cocksfoot, compared with a 78% increase in seedlings in pure subterranean clover swards. By 15 May, all perennials had <2 clover seedlings/m2 surviving, compared with 37 in the annual pasture and 964 plants/m2 in pure subterranean clover. Following the May germination, the highest proportion of emerged seedlings surviving until 29 May was in the phalaris swards (40%) and least in the cocksfoot and danthonia swards (2–4%). Presence of a perennial or annual grass decreased (P < 0·05) relative water content of clover seedlings on 15 March from 74% in pure clover swards, to 48% in annual pasture, 34% in phalaris, and 29% in lucerne swards. Clover seedlings growing in pure subterranean swards on 15 March (17 days after germinating rain) were 4 times larger than those in lucerne and twice as large as those in either phalaris or annual pasture. Seed size did not differ between treatments, but available mineral soil nitrogen was significantly higher (P < 0·001) in pure subterranean clover swards (32 mg N/g) compared with perennials (3–13 mg N/g). Strategies such as heavy grazing in late summer to reduce green biomass of the perennials or sowing the perennials at lower densities may reduce the adverse effects that perennials have on subterranean clover seedlings in these drier environments.

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