
Single-group repeated measures examining patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. To examine the effect of McConnell patellar taping on single-leg vertical jump height and knee extensor moment and power during a vertical jump and lateral step-up. Patellar taping is used by clinicians in an attempt to maximize knee extensor function during sporting activities and rehabilitation of patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. No studies have examined the effect of patellar taping on vertical jump height and knee extensor moment and power during a maximal vertical jump or lateral step-up. Fourteen women (24.4 +/- 5.8 years) with unilateral patellofemoral pain performed a single-leg vertical jump and lateral step-up during 4 knee conditions: patellar tape, placebo tape, no tape, and the uninvolved knee. Maximal knee extensor moment, knee power, and vertical jump height were measured for each condition using a force platform and motion analysis system. Analysis of variance and post hoc analyses revealed a main effect for knee condition. The patellar tape condition resulted in a greater knee extensor moment (1.57 +/- 0.32 N.m/kg) and power (3.47 +/- 0.67 W/kg) than did the no-tape (1.31 +/- 0.39 N.m/kg and 2.79 +/- 1.21 W/kg) and placebo tape (1.33 +/- 0.30 N.m/kg and 2.70 +/- 0.99 W/kg) conditions. Additional analyses showed that the vertical-jump height was significantly greater in the uninvolved lower extremity (25.69 +/- 2.66 cm) compared with the patellar tape (23.33 +/- 4.22 cm), placebo tape (23.08 +/- 4.20 cm), and no-tape (23.45 +/- 4.54 cm) conditions. The patellar tape condition did not show a different vertical jump height than the placebo or no-tape conditions. These results suggest that patellar taping compared with no tape may improve the knee extensor moment and power during weight-bearing activities such as the lateral step-up exercise and the vertical jump.

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