
The main objective of this work is to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of Physalis (Physalis peruviana L.) after pasteurization and shelf life for 21 days at 5C. Pasteurization at 90C for 2 min led to a significant improvement in the organoleptic characteristics of the juice. Pasteurization of juice reduced the ascorbic acid content from 38.90 to 30.20 mg/100 g during shelf life while fresh juice preserved this compound. Heated juice had total phenols and % DPPH (2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) loss of 20.88 and 28.51%, respectively. The ratio of glucose to fructose in all evaluated juice is almost 1:1, whereas sucrose level was decreased by 25% for fresh juice and 16% for pasteurized juice. Higher negative numerical values of whiteness index were determined on Hunter's scale for the intensity of color. After pasteurization, a 7% increase in viscosity and a 22% decrease in cloud were observed after 21 days of shelf life. Practical Applications Physalis peruviana L. juice contains various active compounds with potential health benefits and hence has a potential as functional ingredients. Preservation of fruit for consumption exposes the physicochemical, color, antioxidant capacity and sensory characteristics to detrimental factors that may lead to alterations in concentrations and health-related quality. Due to the health benefits of Cape gooseberry consumed after some form of processing, it is important to investigate the effect of such treatments on the bioactive compounds that are present in the fruit. The effects of common processing conditions on the chemical composition of P. peruviana L. juice were investigated. The changes in the physicochemical properties of the samples varied with the processing treatments. These findings are important to study processing conditions, which could be applied and develop a new method in order to preserve the P. peruviana L. juice without affecting its natural contents.

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