
Colloidal particles of environmental concern often have nonspherical shapes. However, theories and models such as the classical filtration theory have been developed based on the behavior of spherical particles. This study examined the effect of particle shape on colloid retention (e.g., attachment and straining) and release in saturated porous media. Two- and three-step transport experiments were conducted in water-saturated glass bead columns using colloids dispersed in deionized water and an electrolyte solution. The particles used in the experiments were carboxylate-modified latex colloids of spherical (500 nm diam.) and rod (aspect ratio, 7.0) shapes. The rod-like particles were prepared by stretching the spherical particles. Analysis of the colloid breakthrough curves indicates that particle shape affected transport behavior, but retention did not increase with increasing aspect ratio. Retention of the spherical particles occurred mainly in the secondary energy minimum, whereas retention of rod-like particles occurred in primary and secondary energy minima. There was less straining of rod-like particles compared with spherical ones, indicating that the minor axis was the critical dimension controlling the process. Release of spherical particles on elution was instantaneous, whereas release of rod-like particles was rate limited, giving rise to long tails, implying an orientation effect for rod-like colloids. The results suggest that the differences in electrostatic properties and shape contributed to the observed different retention and release behaviors of the two colloids.

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