
Abstract The aim of this study was to understand the effects of partial ringing (bark removal) on tree size control and fruit quality of peach( Prunus persica Batsch cv. ‘Hikawahakuho’). Partial ringing (PR) was performed on the bark, 2 cm long leaving a connecting strip2 mm width on trunk. Bark was cut once (2 cm x 2 mm) or (8 cm x 2 mm) in experiment 1, cut once and weekly (2 cm x 2 mm) inexperiment 2. Shoot growth was lower in the partially ringed trees than the control. The bark growth resembled with the pattern ofshoot growth. Flower bud and fruit-set were higher in ringed trees than control trees. Tree circumference was higher above theringed portion than the lower part of the partially ringed trees. Moreover, pruned shoot weight was lower in partially ringed trees thancontrol trees (unringed). Fruit weight and maturity degree were higher in ringed trees than unringed ones. The results show that 97%ringed bark strip can be effectively used to make peach trees dwarf and good fruit quality.

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