
Application of nanotechnology in the food packaging industry in recent years become more widespread and is being commercialized. Adding nano-materials, caused an improvement barrier properties of polymers to gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, increased UV rays barrier, mechanical strength, stiffness, stability and heat resistance of the base polymer. In this study composite film low density polyethylene (LDPE) with 5% nanoparticles of clay were produced as experimental treatment and low density polyethylene film as control treatment and was used for common packaging rainbow trout fillet and kept at the refrigerator. Then to investigate the quality fillets packed on days zero, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 was used chemical analysis (pH, PV, TBARS, TVB-N), microbial (TVC, PTC, LAB, EBC and H2S producing bacteria) and sensory evaluation. Based on the results obtain of data analysis have been observed significant differences (P<0.05) between treatments on different days, The sensory attributes of rainbow trout correlated well with the microbiological analyses (r=0.91). Based on the overall raw acceptability sensory scores and the microbiological analysis, the shelf-life of rainbow trout fillet have been determined in the control and experimental treatments, 13 to 15 and 18 to 20 days, respectively.

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