
Arabidopsis (ecotype Columbia 0) plants was transformed with AtPDAT (phospholipid: diacylglycerol acyltransferase) gene behind the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Transformed plants were selected by exposure to kanamycin and further grown on peat-based soil media in growth chamber. The seeds of T1 plants (T2 seeds) segregated and containing homozygotes, heterozygotes and null segregants (without transgene). The T3 seeds of selected null segregants and transformed homozygotes were further grown on peat-based soil media in growth chamber (T3 plants) and the lipid content in their seeds (T4 seeds) were evaluated. Additionally T4 seeds of selected null segregants and selected transformed plants (homozygotes) were used for evaluation of AtPDAT overexpression effect on seedlings growth rate, measurement of PDAT activity and for greenhouse experiments. Results show that PDAT overexpression increased the growth rate of Arabidopsis plants. This phenomenon was observed both during germination and further growth of the seedlings on agar plate as well as during the germination and further growth of the plant on peat-based soil media during the greenhouse experiment. The positive effect on oil production in transformed plants was also observed, however, it was probably not directly attributable to PDAT action but rather an indirect cause of growth stimulation.

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