
The purpose of this study was to investigate intention to leave in relation to organizational factors and work environments among newly graduated nurses (NGN). A questionnaire was delivered to NGN (n = 762) from baccalaureate programs as well as diploma schools from 19 R-hospitals (R-hospitals were designated as "public medical institutions" by the 1951 Medical Law) in 2010. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients and Mann-Whitney U-test were used to test statistical significance. Only 148 questionnaires were returned for a return rate of 19.4%. The authors found that 8.1% of respondents had a highly to extremely likely desire to leave nursing. Intention to leave was significantly associated with Nursing Work Index total (P < 0.01), social support (P < 0.001), work barriers (P < 0.001), commitment to workplace (P < 0.001), job satisfaction (P < 0.001), and burnout (P < 0.001). Those who graduated from R-schools run by the R-organization had significantly positive impressions of their organizations and significantly lower intentions to leave compared to other graduates. The study results suggest that NGN intention to leave the workplace and nursing predict actual early intention to leave. In order to reduce burnout and turnover, support from colleagues and supervisors appears to be essential in organizational and psychosocial work environments for NGN to experience job satisfaction and be committed to their workplace. The results of this study also suggest that a longitudinal study is needed to reveal the long-term effects of organizational factors and work environments on NGN and how they impact role transition and adaptation of the NGN to professional practice roles.

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