
Academics in Malaysia have been working hard in recent years to move towards a more innovative and intrapreneurial culture with the support of the government. The aim of this study is to particularly look at the organisational factors that influence their intrapreneurial behaviour, as it is thought that organisational factors may have some effects on their intrapreneurial behaviour. It is also argued that a good environment and support from an academic institution will not be enough if an academician does not have intrapreneurial attributes. Alternatively, an academician with adequate intrapreneurial attitude may be demotivated to innovate in respective research and teaching activities, if his/her institution does not provide adequate support. An online survey questionnaire was circulated to 4 universities in the southern region of Malaysia from where 250 respondents took part in the survey. It was found that all four organizational factors considered in this study have a significant effect on intrapreneurial behaviour. The mediating role of gender was also sought. It was found that recognition of intrapreneurial activity does not show a significant effect on the intrapreneurial behaviour of academicians in the presence of gender. However, the other three variables (managerial support, flexible organisational structure, and favourable organisational culture) show significant effect on intrapreneurial behaviour while gender acts as a mediating variable.

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