
A field experiment was carried out at the Organic Research Farm, Karguan ji, Jhansi, Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural ?Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (U.P.) during rabi season 2020-21 to study the “Effect of organic nutrition on growth, yield and economics of knol-khol cv. Pusa Virat”. Application of 33% each of Mustard cake + PSB + Azotobacter (T6) resulted in significantly maximum growth and yield attributing parameters consequently yield of knol-khol. The plant height was maximum 35.21 cm, leaves 28.97/plant, knob length 24.11 cm and knob breadth 6.59 cm, biological yield 181.79 kg/ha, weight of knob132.58 g, volume of knob 112.35 cc, ultimately yield of knob 148.06 q/ha, with net return Rs. 131632/ha and 2.62 B:C ratio. The second best treatment was T7 having 33% each of neem cake + PSB + Azotobacter which yielded 143.27 q/ha knob i.e. less than 4.79 q/ha as compared to T6 treatment. The knob yield in the control treatment was only 90.64 q/ha with net income Rs. 92570/ha.

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