
The field experiment was conducted in organic block on experimental farm of AAU-Assam Rice Research Institute, Assam Agricultural University, Titabar, Assam during kharif season of 2019 and 2020 to study the effect of organic nutrient management practices on growth, yield and pests incidence of scented rice (Oryza sativa L.) in rainfed situation of Assam. Eight treatment combinations of organic inputs were laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications including one control where no organic nutrients were added. The study revealed that combined application of different proportion of green manure, enriched compost, azolla, vermicompost, neem cake with bio fertilizer consortium and rock phosphate as different treatment significantly improved the growth behavior, yield and also reduced pests incidence of scented rice. Among the organic nutrient management treatments, combination of Green manure (2.5 t/ha)+ Vermicompost (2.5 t/ha)+ Biofertilizer consortium (4 kg/ha seedling) as root dip +Rock phosphate (17 kg/ha)+Azolla (20 kg/ha) recorded the highest yield (3.80 t/ha) by improving yield attributing parameters, viz., Panicles (276.3 /m2), Spikelet /panicle (25.50 number) and Panicle weight (3.37g). The organic treatments also significantly enhanced the growth physiology viz., leaf area index (4.32), and specific leaf weight (8.56 mg/cm2) at panicle initiation stage (90 DAT). In organic management treatments, pests and disease incidence significantly reduced compared to control plot. Highest reduction of dead heart (DH%) and white ear head (WEH%) infestation due to stem borer, gall midge (silver shoot) and leaf folder damage was noticed in the treatment combination of Green manure (2.5 t/ha) + Vermicompost ( 2.5 t/ha)+ Biofertilizer consortium (4 kg/ha seedling) as root dip+Rock phosphate (17 kg/ha)+Azolla (20 kg/ha).

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