
Field experiment was conducted to know the response of organic manures on growth, yield, quality and economics of aerobic rice during Kharif 2011 at MARS, Dharwad. Results indicated that among organic treatments combined application of EC(1/3) + VC(1/3) + GLM(1/3) equivalent to RDF + FYM in combination with foliar application of jeevamrut @ 500 l ha ?1 at planting, 30 and 60 DAS + panchagavya @ 5 per cent at panicle emergence and flowering stages recorded significantly higher growth parameters with higher grain yield (3837 kg ha ?1 ) and straw yield (5855 kg ha ?1 ) which was on par with control treatments i.e. , RDF + FYM and RDF only. But the net return (Rs.36,366) was higher with combined application of EC(1/3) + VC(1/3) + GLM(1/3) equivalent to RDF + FYM in a combination with foliar application of jeevamrut @ 500 l ha ?1 at planting, 30 and 60 DAS + cow urine @ 10 per cent at panicle emergence and flowering stages and B:C (2.49) was higher with combined application of EC(1/3) + VC(1/3) + GLM(1/3) equivalent to RDN + cow urine @ 10 per cent at panicle emergence and flowering stages this might be due to lower cost of cultivation with these treatments.

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