
Rice bean is an important underutilised pulse crop of Sikkim and Himalayan region and mostly it is grown organically on the terraces with locally available organic nutrient sources. The aim of the study was to understand the effect of locally available organic manuresand land configuration on growth and yield of the rice bean crop. Among the organic manure treatments, OM4 (FYM + mixed compost + vermicompost + poultry manure) has resulted into higher growth and yield followed by OM3 (FYM + mixed compost + vermicompost) and OM2 (FYM + mixed compost). The higher growth and yield in OM4 might be due to continuous supply of desirable nutrients to the crop throughout the seasons. Whereas, rice bean had comparatively lower growth and yield in OM1 and OM2 treated plants which might be due to less available nutrient content in FYM and mixture of FYM and mixed compost for desirable growth and yield. So, integrated application of FYM (1/4 RDN), mixed compost (1/4 RDN), + vermicompost (1/4 RDN), + poultry manure (1/4 RDN) would be helpful for farmers for achieving higher yield of rice bean. Among the land configuration techniques studied, ridge and furrow followed by broad bed and furrow techniques had resulted into higher growth and yield of the crop, which might be due to higher nutrient and moisture availability to the rice bean crop under ridge and furrow as well as broad bed furrow beds through positive impact of effective drainage of excessive rain water onhigher activities of soil microbes and enzymesin rhizospheric soil.

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