
The experiment was conducted during the spring season in 2009 with the commercial cultivar “Pusa Hybrid-2 ”, the details of treatments are follow. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD). All treatments were randomly allocated among the plots and replicated three times. T1 Control, T2 Farm yard manure (FYM), T3 Poultry manure (PM), T4 Vermicompost (VC), T5 Mustard cake (MC), T6 80% through FYM + Azotobactor + PSB, T7 80% through PM + Azotobactor + PSB, T8 80% through Vermicompost + Azotobactor + PSB and T9 80% through mustard cake + Azotobactor + PSB. The growth parameters such as plant height and number of branches per plant were significantly increased by Vermicompost + Azotobacter+ PSB treatment over control. The number of days to 50% plants in flowering was not affected significantly by different treatments, However, treatments farm yard manure gave batter result as compared to other treatments under which flowering take place in 50% plants within 42.83 days where it was 50 days in control. Average fruit weight (g) that the maximum average fruit weight (58.85g) under treatment (T8). The highest number of fruits per plant (37.53) was recorded in treatment Vermicompost which was statistically at par with other treatments. The highest yield (449.52 q/ha) was recorded in treatment (T8) closely followed by Vermicompost treatment (445.45 q/ha) which was significantly higher than all the treatments where as minimum (295.85 q/ha) was recorded under control.

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