
Simple SummaryOlive cultivation has been extremely relevant in the Mediterranean area for centuries, creating traditional landscapes with high cultural and biodiversity values. However, in recent decades, these landscapes have been affected by two processes. On the one hand, the most productive areas have undergone significant intensification, with greater input of agrochemicals and a much higher tree density; on the other hand, marginal areas, with lower production, are being progressively abandoned. While more attention has been paid to intensification effects, few studies have considered the consequences of olive grove abandonment. In our study, we analyzed how abandonment and management regimes (organic or traditional) affected the main olive pest (Bactrocera oleae) and different groups of natural enemies in olive groves established near the border between Spain and Portugal. Our results showed that abandoned and managed olive groves had different, but similarly rich and diverse, communities of natural enemies, highlighting the complementary role that these two habitats play at the landscape scale. Moreover, abandoned groves may not be acting as a reservoir for the olive fly. To prevent land abandonment from continuing, measures such as organic farming or agritourism, which have been implemented in the studied area, could be effective.Agricultural abandonment and intensification are among the main land-use changes in Europe. Along with these processes, different proposals have been developed to counteract the negative effects derived from agricultural intensification, including organic management. In this context, we aimed to determine how organic management and farmland abandonment affect Bactrocera oleae and its main groups of natural enemies: hymenopteran parasitoids, spiders, ants, carabids, and staphylinids. Between May and October 2018, four samplings were carried out in nine olive groves (three under organic management, three under traditional management, and three abandoned) in a rural area on the border between Spain and Portugal (Salamanca, Western Spain). Our results suggested differences between the natural enemy community composition of abandoned and organic groves, with slightly higher levels of richness and abundance in abandoned groves. We found no differences between organic and traditional groves. The managed olive groves sustained a different natural enemy community but were similarly rich and diverse compared with the more complex abandoned groves, with the latter not acting as a reservoir of B. oleae in our study area. Both systems may provide complementary habitats; however, further abandonment could cause a reduction in heterogeneity at the landscape scale and, consequently, a biodiversity loss.


  • Land-use change is the main driver of biodiversity loss worldwide, with the expansion and intensification of agriculture—characterized by an increased input of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers—being the prime cause of insect population declines [1,2,3]

  • A total of 13,300 arthropods belonging to the focal groups were collected—1730 spiders (26 families), 2125 parasitoids (22 families), 27 carabids, 255 staphylinids, 8483 ants and, and 680 B. oleae individuals

  • These results were noticeable in the MDS, where, for the natural enemy and spider communities, the abandoned groves were clearly separated from the managed groves, which was not the case for the parasitoid community (Figure 3)

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Land-use change is the main driver of biodiversity loss worldwide, with the expansion and intensification of agriculture—characterized by an increased input of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers—being the prime cause of insect population declines [1,2,3]. Increased biodiversity in organic farming may not happen in permanent crops, such as fruit orchards or vineyards, that present low disturbance levels, and the further reduction in the disturbance intensity of organic farming might not result in greater biodiversity [10]. This is explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, which predicts higher diversity levels at intermediate levels of disturbance, with both slightly and highly disturbed systems harboring less biodiversity [11]

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