
This experiment was carried out at the farm of Royal Herbs Company - Bahria Oases - Giza in a newly reclaimed desert land under the drip irrigation system during two successive seasons 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 with the aim of studying the effect of organic fertilizer (compost) and bio fertilization treatments (phosphorein – Effective microorganisms - Minia azoteine and their combinations) and the effect of their interaction on oil production and some chemical compounds, namely, pigments (chlorophyll‎ a, b and carotenoids)‎ and nutrients percentage (N, P and K %) on fennel plants. The obtained results indicated that the application of compost was significantly increased oil productivity (oil%, oil yield per plant and per feddan) and the studied chemical components (chlorophyll‎ a, b and carotenoids; and N, P and K%), the best treatment was ‎20 ton compost/fed.All studied parameters were significantly affected by bio-fertilization, the best treatment was ‎PHOS + EM + MA. Aslo, the interaction effect between the two factors was significant and‎ the best interaction treatment was ‎15 or 20 ton/fed. with (PHOS + EM + MA) of bio-fertilization in the two seasons.‎

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