
The oral adsorbent AST-120 is used to inhibit the progression of renal failure by adsorbing uraemic toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. When AST-120 is administered to patients receiving immunosuppressive medicines, it is important to study the effect of AST-120 on the amount of these and other drugs absorbed. We have, therefore, studied the in-vitro adsorption of cyclosporin by AST-120 and investigated the effect of oral administration of AST-120 on the absorption of cyclosporin in rats. The in-vitro adsorption ratios of AST-120 for cyclosporin were more than 80%. When pure cyclosporin powder was administered with AST-120, blood cyclosporin concentrations were significantly higher than when cyclosporin was administered alone. When cyclosporin dissolved in medium-chain triglyceride was administered to rats by intramuscular injection there was no significant difference in the blood cyclosporin concentration of rats given combined AST-120 and cyclosporin and those given cyclosporin alone. There was no significant difference between the serum concentration of total bile acids, in rats receiving combined oral AST-120 and cyclosporin dissolved in olive oil, and those receiving orally solely a solution of cyclosporin dissolved in olive oil. These results suggest that oral administration of AST-120 accelerates the absorption of orally administered cyclosporin from the gastrointestinal tract and does not affect the metabolism of cyclosporin. When a solution of cyclosporin in olive oil is administered orally, however, oral administration of AST-120 has no influence on cyclosporin absorption and does not affect the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids.

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