
Gaming, in conjunction with innovative education, is gaining traction as a means of motivating and involving learners in their intercultural learning process. Vast research supports the relationship between learning games and increased motivation and connection. Learning games are a promising technique for aiding the acquisition of a language. This study was planned as a descriptive qualitative study, with data collected through brief questions on using the Kahoot online programme in English schools. This study aims to examine learners' interests and enhance the dynamic behaviour of the classes by integrating Kahoot in the English classroom to enhance activities connected to vocabulary identification. The study used phenomenological investigations using a sample of 31 University Utara Malaysia students. It collected data on the learners' impressions using an open-ended questionnaire. The data from the surveys were evaluated qualitatively through interviews. The findings indicated that Kahoot might boost student learning accomplishments, demonstrating a considerable rise in English learning in terms of worth. As a result, it is concluded that it is beneficial for learners in terms of assisting them in learning English.

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