
Odor modulates the experience of pain, but the neural basis of how the two sensory modalities, olfaction and pain, are linked in the central nervous system is far from clear. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms by which the brain modulates the pain experience under concurrent odorant stimulation. We conducted an fMRI study using a 2 × 3 factorial design, in which one of two temperatures (warm, hot) and one of three types of odors (pleasant, unpleasant, no odor) were presented simultaneously. "Hot" temperatures were individually determined as those perceived as painful (mean temperature = 46.9 °C). The non-painful "warm" temperature was set to 40 °C. Participants rated hot compared to warm stimuli as more intense and unpleasant, especially in the presence of an unpleasant odor. Parametric modeling on the intensity ratings activated the pain network, covering brain regions activated by the hot stimuli. The presence of an odor, irrespective of its valence, activated the amygdalae. In addition, the amygdalae showed stimulus-dependent functional couplings with the right supramarginal gyrus and with the left superior frontal gyrus. The coupling between the right amygdala and the left superior frontal gyrus was related to the intensity and unpleasantness ratings of the pain experience. Our results suggest that these functional connections may reflect the integrating process of the two sensory modalities, enabling olfactory influence on the pain experience.

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