
This study aimed to investigate the effect of different oat β-glucan additions (0%, 1%, 3%, 5%) on water mobility, starch retrogradation properties and Chinese steamed bread (CSB) quality in thermal-vacuum package CSB during storage at room temperature. With the increase of oat β-glucan, the total moisture content initially increased then decreased, while the hardness and cohesiveness initially decreased then increased. The weakly bound water T22 and free water T23 content increased, while the content of strongly bound water T21, relative crystallinity and long-range ordering decreased. During storage at room temperature, the thermal-vacuum package CSB presented mixed crystals of B-type and V-type, and the hardness, relative crystallinity and long-range order of CSB were increased, the specific volume of CSB initially increased then decreased, while the springiness, cohesiveness and resilience of CSB were decreased. Our findings revealed that oat β-glucan could alleviate the quality deterioration, moisture loss and starch stalling of CSB during storage. Oat β-glucan could effectively inhibit water migration and starch retrogradation of CSB, consequently inhibiting the staling. Therefore, small amount of oat β-glucan can be used as a new food additive to improve the dietary fiber content and extend the shelf life of staple CSB at room temperature.

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