
The experiment was conducted during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 at farmers’ field situated at Binuria village (23 o40’N and 87 o37’E) of Birbhum district of West Bengal under the red and lateritic belt of West Bengal.The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replication and twelve treatments in both during kharif and boro season. The plot size was 5m x 4m and the treatment combinations are T1-N80P40K40Zn25S20, T2-N40P40K40Zn25S20, T3-N0P40K40Zn25S20, T4-N80P20K40Zn25S20, T5-N80P0K40Zn25S20, T6-N80P40K20Zn25S20, T7-N80P40K0Zn25S20, T8-N80P40K40Zn12.5S20, T9-N80P40K40Zn0S20, T10-N80P40K40Zn25S10, T-11,N80P40K40Zn25S0 and T12 -Control where as in boro season the treatment combinations are T1-N120P60K60Zn25S20, T2-N60K60Zn25S20, T3-N0K60Zn25S20,T4-N120P30K60Zn25S20,T5-N120P0K60Zn25S20, T6-N120P60K30Zn25S20, T7 N120P60K0Zn25S20, T8-N120P60K60Zn12.5S20,T9-N120P60K60Zn0S20,T10-N120P60K60Zn25S10,T11-N120P60K60Zn25S0, and T12- Control. The high yielding varieties (HYV) rice during Kharif season was MTU 7029 (Swarna) and hybrid variety used in Boro season was Arize 6444 GOLD. The study concludes that application of N80P40K40Zn25S20 (T1) during kharif and N120P60K60Zn25S20 (T1) in boro season during the two season of experimentation was essential for improving growth attributes, yield components and productivity of high yielding variety (HYV) and hybrid rice. The treatments positively influenced the crop efficiency factors, improved physico-chemical properties and fertility status of the soil and paid highest gross and net returns from the rice cultivation. The study suggests the application of ample dose of fertilizer for better growth, higher productivity, profit and sustainability of rice in the lateritic soil of west Bengal.

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