
Approximating a nucleon in its excited state by a spinor field with higher mass, charge and spin, its effects on the anomalous magnetic moment are estimated. , The result for the spin 3/2 excited state is quadratically divergent leading to no definite conclusions. The contribution of the spin 1/2 and isotopic spin 3/2 excited state is positive for proton and negative for neutron if this state is of the different parity from the normal state and vice versa if these are of the same padty, the absolute value being larger for proton in both cases. An additional interaction, which describes the transition of a nudeon up to or down from its excited state when it interacts with an external electromagnetic field, contributes nothing in the former cho'ce of the parities while for the latter this gives an opposite contribution to proton and neutron. The effects are, after all, not la.rge for the reasonable choice of the coupling constant.

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