
The experiment conducted during kharif season of 2018-19 and 2019-20 at student instructional farm of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur, to study on productivity and resource use efficiency of transplanted hybrid rice in relation to weed management and nitrogen application. The experiment was laid out in split-plot design keeping nutrient management practices, viz. N1-150 kg Nitrogen ha-1; 3 equal split application at transplanting, 25 and 45 DAT, N2-150 kg nitrogen ha-1; 4 equal split application at transplanting ,25, 45 and 60 DAT, N3-180 kg nitrogen ha-1; 3 equal Split application at transplanting ,25 and 45 DAT. N4-180 kg nitrogen ha-1; 4 equal Split application at transplanting, 25, 45 and 60 DAT in main plots, and weed management practices, viz. W1- Un-weeded (weedy check), W2– Two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAT, W3– Anilophos @ 0.40 kg a.i. ha-1 fb weeding by cono-weeder at 30 DAT, W4-Pretilachlor @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 fb weeding by cono-weeder at 30 DAT, W5- Anilophos @ 0.40 kg a.i. ha-1 fb fenoxaprop-ethyl @ 80 g a.i. ha-1 at 25-30 DAT and W6- Pretilachlor @0.75kg a.i ha-1 fb fenoxaprop-ethyl @ 80g a.i. ha-1 at 25-30 DAT in sub plots with three replications. Significantly higher yield attributes and yield (62.14 q/ha) were found under N4 treatment than others and was comparable with N1. Similarly, highest yield attributing characters and grain yield (67.84 q/ha) of hybrid rice was noticed with W2 treatment.

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