
Nitrogen is a critical element for algal growth and shifting its concentration above or below the optimum concentration may have a deleterious effect on algal cells. Antioxidants are one of the important factors that protect algal cells from stresses, e.g., nitrogen stress. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomass, pigments, antioxidant compounds and activities of two algal species, Arthrospira platensis (prokaryotic Cyanophyta) and Pseudochlorella pringsheimii (eukaryotic Chlorophyta) under hypo- and hyper-nitrogen concentrations. In general, the increase in the nitrogen concentrations of the nutrient medium (75 and 6–18 mM for A. platensis and P. pringsheimii, respectively) led to an increase in the biomass yield, pigments and other antioxidant contents. However, this increment was reversed by further N additions. The data showed that the prokaryotic alga (A. platensis) can grow at relatively hyper-nitrogen concentrations rather than the eukaryotic one (P. pringsheimii). The antioxidant enzyme activities for the both species were significantly stimulated with the relatively lower nitrogen concentrations, while increasing the N concentrations in the media decreased the enzyme activities. Despite the superiority of A. platensis as a potent antioxidants source, both algae showed high antioxidant levels compared to the synthetic antioxidant marker (butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT).

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