
Field experiments were conducted to compare nano NPK fertilizers with ordinary mineral NPK fertilizers on maize (Zea mays L. Triple hybrid Giza 320) grown on a saline sodic sandy loam soil. Two experiments were conducted on 2018 and 2019 seasons at Romanh Village, North Sinai Egypt. The design was a randomized complete block, factorial (split plot). Factor1: Source (i.e. mineral ‘S1’ and nano ‘S2’). Factor2 Dose “rate” (i.e. kgha-1 NPK of 0/0/0, 120/180/60; 180/36/120 and 240/72/180 for D0, D1, D2 and D3 respectively. The fertilized treatments using the nano forms were much superior then those of the regular mineral ones. Superiority was up to the followings for each 8 and 12% for grain and straw yields respectively. For the other traits, superiorities for uptakes were up to 29% (straw N) 3% (grains N), 41% (straw P), 7 % (grain P), 27% (straw K) and 34% (grain K.). Fertilization enhanced plants to sustain salinity stress conditions. The mineral fertilization caused plants to accumulate more proline “g kg-1 fresh matter”: average of 44.3 for the mineral and 27.4 for the nano.

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