
An experiment was conducted at agronomy farm of the Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat during kharif season of 2019 to study the effect of nitrogen management on yield and quality of finger millet [Eleusine Coracana (L) Gaertn]. Treatments comprised four different sources of organic manures viz FYM, vermicompost, NADEP compost and poultry manure used with combination of recommended dose of nitrogen as well as with or without Azosprillum as a seedling treatment. Number of fingers per earhead ranged from 6.35 to 8.40; finger length from 5.98 to 7.45 cm, grain yield from 1, 993 to 2, 677 kg/ha, straw yield from 6, 224 to 6, 749 kg/ha and test weight from 2.38 to 2.66 g. Application of 25 per cent N through vermicompost + Azosprillum + 50 per cent N through fertilizer resulted in higher value of yield attributes and grain and straw yield though this treatment was at par with some other treatments. Significantly higher nitrogen and protein content of finger millet grain was recorded under the same treatment which was at par with treatments 25 per cent N through FYM + Azosprillum + 50 per cent N through fertilizer and 25 per cent N through FYM + Azosprillum + 50 per cent N through fertilizer. Phosphorus, potash, iron, zinc, copper and manganese content in finger millet grain remained unaffected by different nitrogen management treatments.

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