
Zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Green Magic) plants were grown hydroponically with nitrate (NO3):ammonium (NH4) ratio of 3:1 until the onset of flowering when the plants were assigned to four NO3:NH4 ratio (1:0, 1:1, 1:3, or 3:1) treatments. Changing the original nitrogen (N) form ratio significantly affected plant growth, fruit yield, nutrient element, and water uptake. Growth of plants was better when NO3‐N (1:0) was the sole form of N than when NH4‐N was part of the N treatment. Fruit yields for plants fertilized with 1:0 or 1:3 N‐form ratio were double those of plants grown continuously with 3:1 N ratio. The largest leaf area and plant water use were obtained with 1:0 N ratio treatment Total uptake of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) decreased with increasing NH4‐N proportion in the nutrient solution which suggest NH4‐N was competing with these cations for uptake. The results also demonstrated that growers may increase fruit yield by using a predominantly NO3‐N source fertilizer through the vegetative growth stage and by shifting the NO3:NH4 ratio during the reproductive phase.

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