
A field experiment was conducted during the winter ( rabi) seasons of 200708 and 200809 at Udaipur, Rajasthan, to study the effect of different herbicides and nitrogen levels on productivity and quality of durum wheat ( Triticum dur um Desf.). Tank-mix application of metsulfuron + sulfosulfuron (4+25 g/ha) reduced weed population and biomass significantly and thereby caused increase in plant height, crop dry matter and grain yield (5.22 tonnes/ha). The highest net returns ( 52,400) and benefit: cost ratio (3.78) were also recorded with tank-mix appli- cation of metsulfuron + sulfosulfuron. Application of metsulfuron + sulfosulfuron significantly increased the protein content, ?-carotene and sedimentation value. This was at par with metsulfuron + isoproturon and 2,4-D + sulfosulfuron. Weed biomass increased significantly with the increase in N level up to 120 kg/ha. Increasing nitro- gen level up to 120 kg/ha showed marked improvement in plant height, dry matter, ear-bearing tillers, grains/ear, 1,000-grains weight, thereby resulted in significantly highest grain yield of 4.81 tonnes/ha with net returns of 47,700/ha and benefit: cost ratio 3.44.

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