
This report is the first to present the data on the effect of neutron irradiation doses of 0.2 and 0.4 dpa at Tirr∼150°C and Tirr∼300°C on the mechanical properties of the GlidCopAl25IG alloy in different metallurgical conditions (CR+annealed, HIP, as-extruded). The dose dependence of radiation strengthening for GlidCopAl25IG alloy at Ttest=Tirr=150°C shows that strengthening increases with dose, up to Δσy∼100 MPa at 0.4 dpa. Simultaneously, the uniform elongation decreases with increasing dose. An important point is that all investigations on ODS copper alloys, regardless of the metallurgical state (CR+ann, HIP, as-extruded), revealed similar dose dependencies of strengthening and loss of ductility. Irradiation up to 0.4 dpa at 300°C results in a slight strengthening of about 30 MPa of the ODS copper alloys. In this case the tendency to embrittlement depends on the metallurgical state and orientation of the specimens.

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