
We assessed how Neotyphodium infection influenced the biomass production and growth of Arizona fescue ( Festuca arizonica Vasey), a dominant understory grass in Ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa) forests of the southwest USA, by growing potted infected (E+) and uninfected (E−) plants under a high and a low water availability regime for 87 days. We measured growth analysis parameters, leaf net photosynthesis ( P n), chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, conductance to water vapor ( g l) and water potential ( Ψ), to provide explanations for differences in biomass production under these treatments. Under high water availability, E− plants produced more biomass and had greater relative growth rates (RGR; rate of biomass gain per biomass); higher RGR of E− plants was correlated with higher P n as well as production of less dense, presumably thinner leaves, which provided more leaf area per leaf biomass, and greater LAR (leaf area ratio; leaf area per total plant biomass). Under low water availability, E+ plants produced more aboveground biomass and had greater RGR; higher RGR of E+ plants was correlated with higher net assimilation rates, as well as production of less dense leaves and greater LAR. Infected plants tended to have lower midday P n and g l in both water availability regimes. Lower P n in E+ plants appeared primarily due to stomatal, rather than biochemical, limitations to photosynthesis. When a more severe water stress was imposed in the low water availability treatment over the last 61 days of the experiment, E+ plants tended to have higher midday P n and g l. Infected plants also tended to have less negative leaf Ψ regardless of water availability regime. Lower g l and transpirational losses of E+ plants probably conserved soil moisture, such that when a more severe water stress was subsequently imposed, higher soil moisture availability allowed E+ plants to maintain higher P n and g l. Neotyphodium infection appears beneficial to Arizona fescue performance under low water availability and detrimental under ample water availability.

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