
In the laboratory rat and mouse, neonatal handling enhances hippocampal-dependent learning in adulthood, an effect mediated by changes in maternal behavior toward the handled young. In the present study, we examined the interaction between neonatal handling and biparental care during the early postnatal period and its effect on cognitive function in adult California mice ( Peromyscus californicus). We characterized the parental behavior of handled and nonhandled father-present and father-absent families over the first 15 days of life. We then assessed cognitive performance of male and female offspring in the Barnes maze and object recognition test after they were 60 days of age. We found that the amount of licking and grooming received by pups was decreased in father-absent families. By postnatal days 12–15, licking and grooming in handled, father-absent families were equivalent to that of nonhandled, father-present families. Handling enhanced novel object recognition in father-present male mice with no effect in females. In the nonhandled group, the presence of the father had no effect on object recognition learning in male or female mice. Handling also enhanced spatial learning in the Barnes maze. In nonhandled families, the presence of the father appeared to have no effect on spatial learning in the male offspring. Interestingly, spatial learning in nonhandled, father-absent, female offspring was similar to that of handled animals. The average amount of licking and grooming received by pups was negatively correlated with the average number of errors made on the first day of reversal training in the Barnes maze. These data support previous findings that neonatal handling facilitates learning and memory in adulthood, suggest that under certain environmental conditions, there is a sex difference in the response of pups to paternal care, and further demonstrate the importance of active parental investment for offspring cognitive development.

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