
During the peripartum period, high-yielding dairy cows experience metabolic stress, which alters their homeostasis and exposes the cows to illness. The aim of this study was to quantify the expression levels of genes involved in antioxidant defences during the transition period in the blood of dairy cows and to evaluate the regulative activity on these genes of natural antioxidants in the diet. Three groups of 7 heifers each, at the 7th month of pregnancy, were used. Starting from 3 weeks before the expected calving date (-22 days), the three groups were allotted to the following experimental treatments: control (CTR, basal diet); lycopene (LYC, basal diet + lycopene 540 mg/day) and grape polyphenols (POL, basal diet + grape polyphenols 10 g/day). Blood was sampled at 22 and 8 days before and 8, 15 and 22 after calving and analysed for the expression level of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD) using the real-time PCR technique with LUX (Light Upon eXtension) fluorogenic primers. During the peripartum period (-22 days until + 22 days from calving), Cu/ ZnSOD mRNA expression decreased (p<0.05) in the CTR and LYC groups, but increased at 15 days after calving in the POL group. No significant differences were found in GPx mRNA expression. The results suggest that grape polyphenols may have a controlling effect on peripartum metabolic stress through modulation of superoxide dismutase expression.

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