
We compare data on the reciprocal electrosurface transfer (EST) of WO3 and MWO4 components through WO3|MWO4 eutectic heterointerfaces using MWO4 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) samples prepared by standard ceramic technology (CER) and nitrate-organic technology (N/O); these samples considerably differ in both the grain size of precursor powders and the grain size of sintered ceramics. When an electric field is applied, the interpenetration of WO3 and MWO4 components occurs though WO3|MWO4 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) heterointerfaces. The general (−)WO3 ↔ MWO4 (+) intermigration pattern in the cells is not influenced by tungstate preparation technology. However, interpenetration rates are far greater for MW 4 N/O . The transport properties of {MWO4 · xWO3} two-phase eutectic metacomposites manufactured by both technologies were studied. Tungstate and composite manufacturing technologies have no radical influence on the electric properties (overall and partial conductivity, transference numbers) of the samples, only changing conductivity versus concentration relationships. Our data well fit the model of formation of a nonautonomous electrolytic interphase.

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