
In Geriatric patients, urological problems like dribbling micturition, burning micturition, dysuria etc. are commonly seen due to Urethral Stricture, BPH, Chronic urinary tract infection, Urinary Incontinence, Over-active bladder etc. In this study, we will discuss the effect of the Ayurvedic Panchkarma Procedure i.e., Uttarbasti in Urethral Stricture. Urethral Stricture involves scarring that narrows the tube that carries urine out of the body mostly due to STD’s, Catheterisation, straddle injury to the perineum. Newer Surgical Techniques like Urethral Dilatation, DVIU, Ure- throplasty etc are used but they are painful, expensive & has recurrences. In Ayurvedic literature, Mutra mar- gasankoch and Mutrotsanga are an entity that can be closely related to urethral stricture which is described by Acharya Sushruta in Uttartantra. In this case study, a 45-year-old male patient suffering from LUTS Came to Shalya OPD undergone repeated urethral dilatations but was unrelieved. So, after clinical evaluation & Investiga- tions, the case was diagnosed as Urethral Stricture & treated with Uttarbasti. In this case study, Murchhit Tila Taila for the Uttarbasti procedure was used. After the Procedure results were evaluated & the results are satisfying. Keywords: Uttarbasti, Murchhit Tila Taila, Urethral Stricture

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