
The conventional propagation method using ginger rhizome being slow, a suitable method of raising ginger seed material in portrays has been devised by Indian Institute of Spices Research and Kerala Agricultural University. The advantages of this technology are production of healthy uniform planting materials and reduction in seed rhizome quantity which eventually reduced cost on rhizomes. The experiment was carried out in the Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during April 2016 to January 2017. The ginger variety used was Karthika. Field experiment was laid out in split plot design with four levels of mulches in main plots and fertilizer levels in sub plots with four replications. Two nodded rhizome bits of ginger cultivar was raised in protrays were transplanted at 55 days in beds taken in the interspaces of coconut. Plants that received M1 (30 t ha1) in main plot resulted in maximum plant height, number of tillers, number of leaves/plant shoot weight, fresh yield and dry yield treatment T2 (150:100:100 kg ha1 and their interaction (m1t2) also resulted in highest plant height, number of tillers, number of leaves/plant, shoot weight, fresh yield and dry yield on all periods of observation The results of the study indicated that ginger transplants intercropped in coconut garden, that mulching @ 30 t ha1 ( half at transplanting and half 2 MAT) along with 150:100:100 kg NPK ha-1 and basal application of 30 t ha-1 of farm yard manure could be recommended for higher yield and growth.

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