
Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a set of clinical symptoms that are related to the development of cardiovascular disease. These abdominal obesity, which is the strongest associate with the metabolic syndrome and clinically manifested increasing waist circumference and ratio of waist to hip, atherogenic dyslipidaemia, which is reflected in the routine diagnosis of increased levels of triglycerides and reduced levels of HDL-cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance and/or various forms of glucose intolerance, proinflammatory and prothrombotic state. Epidemiological, experimental and clinical investigations have shown that diets supplemented with moderate quantities of alcoholic beverages lead to biochemical changes, that are widely regarded to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Red wine contains a naturally rich sources of antioxidants which may protect the body from oxidative stress. We investigated the relationship between red wine intake and lipide profile, glucose, blood pressure and WHR index changes. Participants consumed 200 ml of red wine Frankovka modra (VÍNO-MASARYK, s.r.o., Skalica) each day during supper for six weeks and were encouraged to maintain their usual diet and exercise habits. Daily intake of Frankovka modra during six weeks was associated with lower plasma levels of total cholesterol (5.66±1.12 vs 5.36±1.04), triglycerides (1.68±0.23 vs 1.47±0.66), LDL-cholesterol (3.46±0.81 vs 3.26±0.76) and glucose (5.35±0.82 vs 5.26±0.78). On the contrary we recorded higher level of „good“ HDL cholesterol (1.42±0.63 vs 1.80±0.58). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was also decreased and diastolic blood pressure after six weeks of consumption of red wine decreased statistically significantly. Research results have shown that moderate consumption of red wine have a positive impact on changes waist and ultimately to the Waist to Hip Ratio. Our study demonstrates a positive association between moderate wine consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.


  • Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a set of clinical symptoms that are related to the development of cardiovascular disease

  • Obrázok 1 Zmeny hladiny celkového cholesterolu v dynamike experimentu mmol.l-1 6

  • Benefits and risks of more intensive blood pressure lowering in hypertensive patients of the HOT Study with different risk profiles: does a J-shaped curve exist in smokers? In Journal of Hypertension, 2003, 21:797-804

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K testovaniu sme použili červené víno Frankovka modrá z Malokarpatskej vinohradníckej oblasti (VÍNOMASARYK, s.r.o., Skalica). Výskum spočíval v pravidelnej konzumácii odporúčaných dávok vína podľa vopred stanovených podmienok počas doby 6 týždňov (7 dní v týždni). Na začiatku, pred zahájením konzumácie vína, sme probandom zmerali tlak krvi, antropometrické parametre a odobrali vzorku krvi. Ako aj meranie krvného tlaku sme uskutočnili po troch dňoch a troch týždňoch od začatia konzumácie. Posledný odber krvi a meranie antropometrických parametrov sme vykonali bezprostredne po skončení konzumácie vína (po šiestich týždňoch). Prvý odber (pred zahájením konzumácie vína) sme použili ako kontrolu, pričom výsledky sme porovnávali aj s minimálnou a maximálnou hranicou referenčných hodnôt. Krv sme odoberali nalačno štandardným spôsobom (1 EDTA a 2 sérum gélové skúmavky). Centrifugovali, sérum gélové skúmavky pri 3000 otáčkach počas 8 minút a EDTA pri 1600 otáčkach počas 10 min. Systolický a diastolický tlak sme merali digitálnym tlakomerom štandardným spôsobom pred každým odberom

HDL cholesterol
LDL cholesterol
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