
Chlorogenic acids are antioxidants found in coffee. They are becoming of interest for their health promoting effects, but their human bioavailability is not well known.We hypothesized that adding whole milk or non dairy creamer to instant coffee might alter the bioavailability of coffee phenolics. Nine healthy subjects were asked to drink in a cross‐over design instant coffee, instant coffee and 10% whole milk or instant coffee, non‐dairy creamer and sugar already pre‐mixed. Blood was collected for 12h after ingestion and plasma samples extracted via a liquid‐liquid method that included a full enzymatic cleavage to break down all chlorogenic acids into smaller phenolic acids. Hence, we focused our LC‐ESI‐MSMS detection and quantification on caffeic (CA), ferulic (FA) and isoferulic acid (iFA). Compared to a regular black cup, the addition of milk did not significantly alter the area under the curve (AUC), maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) or the time needed to reach Cmax (Tmax). Cmax of CA and iFA were significantly lower and T max of FA and iFA significantly longer for the non dairy creamer group compared to black coffee. However, the AUCs were not significantly different. As a conclusion, adding whole milk did not alter the overall bioavailability of coffee phenolic acids. Adding non dairy creamer affected the time and maximum concentration but not the overall plasmatic delivery of coffee phenolics.

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