
Due to ageing of seed over the time, seed losses its vigour and viability, which makes it unfit for sowing. So thestudy was conducted to check the efficacy of microwaves for seed treatment for seed quality enhancement. The objectiveof the study was to understand the effect of microwaves on physiological and biochemical attributes of seed quality of agedsorghum seeds. The sorghum seeds were subjected to ageing for 96 h of variety SPV-2217 to microwaves seed treatmentsof different intensities and time period i.e.30% intensity, 40% intensity and 50% intensity for 30 and 40 seconds whichwere compared with untreated control and seeds primed with CaCl2 (2% for 8 h). Data was analyzed using completelyrandomized design and randomized block design with three replications.Considering the seed quality parameters the highestmean germination (82.33%), shoot length (16.8 cm), root length (16.2 cm), vigour index I (2717) and least electricalconductivity (0.773 dSm-1) was noted in the seeds treated at 30% intensity for 40 seconds followed by the treatment 40%intensity for 30 seconds. The seedling dry weight (22.63 mg/seedling) and vigour index II (1848) was highest in thetreatment 30% intensity for 30 seconds. These seed quality parameters were supported by biochemical parameters inwhich the treatment 40% intensity for 30 seconds showed highest traits for catalase (6.542 μM of H2O2 decomposed/min/mg protein), peroxidase (0.0484 μM min/mg protein of tetraguaiacol formed) and superoxide dismutase (16.69 units/mgprotein), while alpha amylase was highest (0.611 μmol/min/mg protein) in 30% intensity for 30 seconds and proline(4.03 μM/g fresh weight) in 30% intensity for 40 seconds. The improvement of seed quality and biochemical parameters,ultimately resulted in better field parameters i.e. field emergence (81.33%), plant dry weight 30 days after sowing (20.32 g)and chlorophyll content (30.96 units) in the treatment 30% intensity for 30 seconds. While maximum plant height (71.5 cm)and number of leaves (5.0) in the treatment 40% intensity for 30 seconds. Decline was observed in all the parameters as theintensity and duration was increased beyond 40% intensity for 30 seconds. Hence, 30% intensity for 40 seconds was foundto be the most effective treatment along with 40% intensity for 30 seconds.

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